Head of Bappenas Said Society 5.0 Has Many Benefits

Suharso Monoarfa
Suharso Monoarfa

KIMCIPEDES.COM, JAKARTA | In recent years, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been continuously pursued by various countries. A revolutionary change driven by enabling technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, and BigData. Not only in the industrial sector, these technologies also affect the pattern of our daily lives.

This was conveyed by the Minister of National Development Planning Suharso Monoarfa in a virtual discussion held by AIPI with the theme "Digital Transformation: Efforts to Accelerate National Development Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045", Thursday, 05/08/2021.

"In Japan, for example, the technology has driven the transformation from Society 4.0 to Society 5.0, which is a human-centered society that balances economic progress with solving social problems through a system that deeply integrates cyberspace and physical space," said the Minister.

The Minister said that cyberspace is no longer limited to storing data in the cloud, but has developed into a BigData processing center for decision making. Data analysis becomes automated by AI.

“The concept of Society 5.0 is of course very supportive in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The main principle of Society 5.0 is to use the right amount of resources, of a certain quality, at the right time, for a specific individual," he said.

The Minister added that existing technologies ranging from Big Data, IoT, AI, to sensors are enabling factors in development of applied technologies, such as Bio Technology, Urban Technology, and Agriculture Technology, to be further utilized optimally to achieve the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“From the description of Society 5.0, we can conclude that many benefits will be felt by the community if we can master and apply emerging technologies. The key is how we can carry out digital transformation in an inclusive manner," said the Minister.

On the occasion, the Minister informed that based on several studies, digital transformation has economic potential.

“The International Data Corporation (IDC) study by Microsoft estimates that around 60 percent of Asia Pacific's GDP in 2021 will come from digital services. Especially now when faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, all services have switched to digital because it is faster and more convenient to use from home," said the Minister.

“We at Bappenas together with the Ministry of Communication and Information see the need to accelerate and expand digital transformation nationally. Things that become strategic issues in digital transformation are related to Telecommunication, Information and Communication (ICT) infrastructure, the use of ICT, and supporting aspects," he continued.

The Minister explained, in terms of ICT infrastructure, the main target is how to expand internet access to all villages, both those in the 3T area and those in the 3T area.

"On the other hand, we also need to prepare aspects of supporting digital transformation. Starting from cyber security, digital literacy, the adequacy of a digital workforce, and an ecosystem that supports the growth of the ICT industry," concluded the Minister.
** M. Edwandi

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